The process of anodic polarization was studied in two ways, current interruption and rectangular-wave superimposition. It was found that some additives, such as Na_2CO_3, MgF_2 and. NH_4VO_3, have certain catalysis effect on the anodic process and the anodic overpotential is partly reduced. 采用断电法和方波迭加法研究了阳极极化过程,发现Na2CO3、MgF2和NH4VO3等物质有一定的催化作用,能部分降低其过电位。
Polarization and Overpotential Distribution in Fluidized-Bed Electrodes 流化床电极的极化性能和过电位分布
The polarization curves indicated that the additives could control the hydrogen evolution reactions and play down the evolution overpotential of chromium to rise the current efficiency. 由极化曲线可知,高效镀铬添加剂的加入抑制了析氢反应,降低了铬的析出过电位,使电流效率提高。